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Masters in Business Administration -> MBA -> 2 nd Year-> 3 rd Semester
31 - Business Law & Regulation

The course envisages to provide basic knowledge of legal and regulatory frame work existing in India. The course attempts to provide sound understanding of legal implications of the various issues arising out of normal course of business operations.

Section-A: Business Law:
1. a) Law of Contracts : Essentials of valid contract; Void and unlawful contracts; Quasi contracts; Doctrine of Frustration

b) Special Contracts : Contingent contracts; Indemnity; guarantee; bailment; agency contracts; Performance of contracts; Principles relating to award of damages for breach of contract.

2. Sale of Goods Act: Sale and agreement to sell; conditions and warranties; Transfer of ownership; Rights of unpaid seller of goods.

3. Negotiable instruments: Cheque, Bill of Exchange and Promissory Note.

4. Arbitration Act: Powers and duties of arbitrators, Grounds on which award of arbitration may be set aside.

5. Companies Act: Kinds of companies, Process of incorporation of a company; Commencement of business; Company management; Meetings and resolutions; Control over company management; Prevention of oppression and mis-management.

Section B: Regulation of Business:
6. Control of monopolistic, restrictive and unfair trade practices; MRTP Commission; DGIR, Registration of RT agreements; Investigation and control of RTPs; Unfair trade practices.

7. Consumer Protection Law in India. Consumer Councils; Rights of Consumers - Redressal machinery.

8. Pollution Control: Water, Air and Environment Pollution Acts; Machinery for implementation. Public awarness; Role of Judiciary.

Suggested Readings:
1. N.D. Kapoor: 'Elements of Mercantile Law', Sultan Chand & Co., New Delhi, 1995.
2. V.K. Agarwal: 'Consumer Protection in India', Deep and Deep Publications, 1988.
3. Dr. Aasar Singh : Companies Act.


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