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Masters in Business Administration -> MBA -> 2 nd Year-> 2 nd Semester
27 - Operations Management

The objective of the course is to provide an exposure to the basic problems and techniques of production management and materials management.

1. Role of Operations Management in the Total Management System. Interface between the operations systems and the systems of other functional areas.

2. Production, Planning and Control: Basic functions of Production Planning and Control, Production Cycle - Characteristics of process technologies. Project, Job Cycle and Process life Cycle.

3. Scheduling and Control of Production Operations - Control Procedures and devices.

4. Product sequencing - Sequencing of Products in multi-product multi stage situations.

5. Plant Capacity and line balancing.

6. Plant layout - Different types of layouts. Location and the factors influencing location.

7. Maintenance Management: Objectives - Failure Concept; Reliability, Preventive and breakdown maintenance. Replacement policies.

8. Quality Control - Standards and Specifications. Quality Assurance and quality Circles - statistical Quality Control - Control Chart for average, range, fraction defective and number of defects Total Quality Management, ISO certification.

9. Improvement of Productivity: Work study, various techniques in methods study for identifying the most appropriate method. Work measurement - its uses and different methods, Computation of allowance and allowed time.

10. Materials Requirement Planning and Budgeting - Importance - Techniques.

11. Sources of Supply of materials - Selection, Evaluation and Performance of suppliers - Make or Buy decisions - Vendor Rating

12. Stores Management - Objectives of stores management - Requirements for efficient management of stores. Safety stock.

13. Inventory Control - Types of inventory, Costs, Systems of inventory control - ABC, VED, and FNSD analysis - Different systems of Inventory Control.

14. Value analysis - Importance in cost reduction - Concepts and Procedures.

Suggested Readings:
1. Everett E. Adam, Jr. and Ronald J. Ebert : Production and Operations Management, Concepts, models and Behaviour, Prentice Hall International Ltd., New Delhi 5th Edition, 1995.
2. Joseph G. Monks : Operations Management, theory and Problems, McGraw Hill; New York 3rd Edition, 1987.
3. Hamid Noori and Russell Radford: Production and operations Management, Total Quality and Responsiveness, McGraw Hill, New York.
4. Chary S.N.: Production and Operations Management, TATA McGraw Hill New Delhi, 1988.
5. Gopal Krishna P & Sundaresan M. Materials Management - An integrated approach, Prentice Hall International Ltd., 1995.


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