The objective of the course is to provide an exposure to the major tools and techniques of operations research and to create awareness and appreciation about applications of OR techniques in functional areas of management viz finance marketing, production, materials and human resource management.
1. Operations Research: Origin, Development, Meaning, Definitions, Scope and Limitations.
2. Programming Problems: Introduction to Linear and Non-linear, integer goal (multi objective) and Dynamic Programming Problems. Managerial applications of programming problems (emphasis is on conceptual frame work - no numerical problems).
3. Linear Programming (LP) : Mathematical Model, Formulation, Solution by the graph and Simplex Method, Degeneracy, Dual, Dual Formulation, Solution of Dual, Economic interpretation of Dual, Sensitivity analysis.
4. Transportation Problem (TP): Mathematical Model, IBFS using North West Corner rule, Least Cost Method (Row, Column and Matri minima) vogel's Approximation Method (VAM), Unbalanced TP, Degeneracy, Maximisation case, Optimality test. Optimisation in TP; Managerial applications.
5. Assignment Problem (AP): Mathematical Model, Unbalanced A.P. Restricted assignment, Maximisation in AP, Solution of A.P. Travelling Salesman Problem (TSP) < Travelling Purchaser Problem (TPP), Managerial applications of AP, TSP, and TPP.
6. Networks: Network Fundamentals, Different time (Deterministic and Probabilistic) estimates. Critical Path using deterministic (CPM) Probabilistic (PERT) times, Crashing, Time-Cost trade off, Network Flows, Maximum Flow Problems Spanning tree, Minimal Spanning tree, Managerial Uses of Net Works.
Suggested Readings: 1. Levin, R.I. Rubin, D.S. Stinson, J.P. and Gardner, E.S. Jr: Quantitative approaches to management, McGraw Hill, 8th Edition, 1992. 2. Levin and Kirpatric: Planning and Control with PERT and CPM, Tata McGraw Hill, Bombay, 1983.