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Masters in Business Administration -> MBA -> 2 nd Year-> 2 nd Semester
24 - Marketing Research

The objective of this course is to acquaint the students with the concept, process and execution of market research. Further it is aimed at providing sound understanding of research methodology, design and the usage of quantitative methods for analysis and interpretation of data.

1. Meaning and importance of marketing research. Marketing information system - marketing decision support system. Research design. Cost and value of information. Determination of EVPI - introduction to design of experiments - exploratory, causative, conclusive and experimental designs.

2. Marketing research process - Problem situation models and choice criterion models. Sources and methods of gathering marketing information - Respondents, experiments, simulation and panels. Sample plan - Design of questionnaire interview schedule.

3. Measurement and scaling: Concept of measurement and scaling - Thurstone's, Likert's, Guttman's semantic differential Attitude scales. Reliability and validity of a scale.

4. Editing, coding and tabulation. Cross tabulation

5. Analysis: Qualitative and quantitative analysis. Use of parametric and non-parametric statistics in research - Mcnemar, Mann-Whitney, Rank Correlation, Signed Rank, Kolmogorov-Smironov, Markov Analysis.

6. Multi-variate analysis - Factor analysis, MDS, discriminant (linear two group) analysis, cluster analysis and conjoint analysis. Correlation and regression - Concepts and Outline.

7. Research report - preparation - and presentation - Oral and written presentation.

Suggested Readings:
1. Tull Donald and Hawkins Del I.: Marketing research, 6th Ed. PHI, 1995.
2. Luck David and Rubin Ronal : Marketing Research, 7th Ed. PHI, 1987
3. Freund John. F : Modern elementary statistics, 6th Ed. Prentice Hall 1985
4. Research for Marketing Divisions - Paul E. Green, Donald S. Tull and Gerald Albaum, 5th Edition, PHI 1995.


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