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Masters in Business Administration -> MBA -> 2 nd Year-> 2 nd Semester
22 - Computer Concepts & Applications

1. Introduction to Computer Concepts : History, Classification, Block Diagram of Computer, Input - Output devices, Software, Hardware, Software Categories, Low level, Middle level, High level languages - Types of memory - Central processor - concepts and components.

2. System Software: Need for operating system - Functions of operating system. Types of operating system (Batch processing, On-line, Multi-Programming, Multi-Processing & Time sharing systems) - Compilers, Assembler & Interpreter, Introduction to PC's Operating system (MS-DOS) File System Concepts, GUI (Windows).

3. Computers & Communication: Need for Communication - Goals / Uses of Computer Network. Type of Communication (Analog, Digital), Physical Communication media - Classification of Networks (LAN, WAN, MAN) - Features & Topologies.

4. Internet Concepts: Internet features, Browsing documents, Search engines, Internet Connections and Problems, Sending E-Mail, Transferring files - Business on Internet.

5. Application Software : Prewritten Application Software, Human Resource Management Software, Investment - Analysis packages, Technical analysis packages, Personal & Financial Management packages, Accounting packages, Spread Sheet, Statistical analysis packages, Project Management packages, Database Management System.

6. Graphics: Design & Print, Analysis & Presentation packages.

7. Introduction to Programming Concepts: Problem Analysis - Algorithms (Simple Algorithms), Flow Charting. Decision Tables - Structured Pseudo Code.

8. Data Based Management Software (FOXPRO): Introduction to Database Management System, Creation of Database, Editing a Database - On - line data query handling. Report generation. Screen formatting. Address label generation.

9. Programming with FOXPRO: Concept of Program file. Creating and editing a program file. Using ACCEPT, INPUT, SKIP, DO WHILE END DO IF - END IF, SCAN-ENDSCAN, FOR - END FOR, DOCASE - ENDCASE, TEXT - END TEXT (Simple programs using the above commands). Memory variables. Data Functions.

Suggested Readings:
1. C.S. French: Computer Studies, 3rd Ed., Galgotia Book Source, 1990.
2. V. Rajaram: Fundamentals of Computers, PHI, 1998.
3. Donald H. Sanders: Computer Today, 3rd Ed., McGraw Hill, 1998.
4. R.K. Taxable: Foxpro 2, 5 Made Simple for DOS & WINDOWS, bpb. 1996.
5. Guy Hart & Davis: ABC's of Microsoft Office 97, bpb, 1997.


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