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Masters in Business Administration -> MBA -> 2 nd Year-> 2 nd Semester
21 - Organizational Behaviour

The major objective of the course is to help students to gain an understanding of the perspectives and issues of human behaviour in organisational context. Factors that influence human perception performance, attitude and outlook and their relationship to different levels of management and organisation are sought to be covered in the course. It seeks to help the participants acquaint themselves with the application of behavioural science knowledge and methods in dealing with issues of individual / interpersonal / group behaviour in organisations.

1. Introduction: Organisational behaviour in a holistic perspective. Components of organisational behaviour. Relevance of behavioural science concepts to management, Managers and Organisations.

2. Cognitive Process: Principles, processes and dynamics in perception - Individual and organisational factors that influence perceptual process. Role of perception in managerial activities and organisational processes - Its impact on inter-personal problem-solving process. Learning - Concept of learning, reward, punishment - thinking concept - abstract thinking - convergent, divergent thinking.

3. Motivational process and Techniques: Nature of human motivation. The motivational process. A study of select theories of motivation - Abraham M.H. Maslow's theory of hierarchy of needs. ERG needs & McClellandis theory of needs. Frederick Herzberg's Two-Factor theory of motivation: Hygiene Factors and motivators. Victor H. Vroom's Expectancy theory of motivation - John Adam's theory of social comparison.

4. Group Dynamics: The nature of groups. Kinds of groups : Functional groups, task groups, and informal groups. Stages of group development. Factors contributing to group Cohesiveness. Group dynamics - Role and functions of groups - Concept of small groups and its role in the organisation. Managing effect of groups on individual behaviour, performance and attitude.

5. Organisational Climate: Individual Behaviour and the work situation - Factors that influence organisational climate - Role of internal factors and external factors in shaping the organisational climate.

6. Management of Conflict: Identification of causal factors for interpersonal conflicts and the appropriate managerial skills in their effective resolution. Sources of conflict and strategies for effective management of conflict situations.

7. Organisational Change: The process of organisational change. Approaches to planned change. Role and functions of change agent. Resistance to change. Methods, Techniques and strategies to effectively deal with the problem of resistance to change.

8. Organisational Development (O.D.) : O.D. Process and organisational growth. Approaches and Methods of organisational development - Implications of O.D. Organisation design - Nature and Meaning - Approaches to organisation design - Contingency factors affecting organisation design - Contemporary organisation design alternatives.

9. Managerial Effectiveness: Concept of managerial effectiveness. Factors determining managerial effectiveness. Individual, Organisational and Behavioural factors that contribute to Managerial Effectiveness.

Suggested Readings:
1. Gordon J.R.: Diagnostic Approach to Organisational Behaviour; Allyn & Bacon, New York - 1988.
2. Fred Luthans: Organisational Behaviour; Mcgraw Hill, New York - 1992.
3. Robbins S.J. Essentials of Organisational Behaviour, New Delhi - 1996.
4. Pareek. Udai: Organisational Behaviour Process; Rawat Publishers, Jaipur - 1992.
5. Miner John B: Organisational Behaviour; Random House, New York - 1990.


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