- Students of BA participate as Volunteers and Readers at Human Library organised by IQAC, RBVRR Women’s College, 15 June 2019.
BA students with Book, The Turncoat, Human Library Hyderabad
Film show for Students. Students of BA I, II, III engage in a story-telling session with faculty members as a part of Saturday activity, 22 June, 2019.
- Department of English and Quills Literary Club conduct meeting on, “Madness and Literature,” 29 June, 2019.
Students perform a mime on Depression
- Development Program conducted by Students of BA, I, II, III years for Non-Teaching Staff on “Basic Conversation Skills in English” on 6 July, 2019. Program Coordinator: Dr JhilamChattaraj.
Students Teach Non-teaching staff basic conversational skills in English
- BA Orientation Program and Alumni Lecture Series, 20 July, 2019. Students of BA I, II, III years speak about their experiences and inspire each other. Alumni members, Ms JuveriaTabassum, Ms AcshahVajra delivered inspiring talks. Program Coordinator: Dr JhilamChattaraj.
BA I years intereact with present and former members of the department
- Department of English and Quills Literary Club conduct meeting on, “Nature through Literature”. 3 August, 2019.
- Field Trip: Students of BA Ist year visit Bookpoint, Himayathnagar store and select books for the college Library. Program Coordinator: Dr. Jhilam Chattaraj, 17August, 2019
students share a light moment during field trip.
- Dr. Jhilam Chattaraj won the CTI Excellence Award in Literature and Soft Skill Development by Council for Transforming India and Development of Language and Culture, Government of Telangana, 3 September 2019.
- Department of English, Quills Literacy Club and The Good Talk Factory collaborate for a one day seminar, “Prerna” on talks, Story-telling, poetry-reading and creative performances. Program coordinator, Dr. Jhilam Chattaraj 7th September 2019.
InduGopalaKrishna, Key-note speaker for TGTF Student Participants of TGTF
- ACDEMIC YEAR 2018-2019Guest Lecture on “Reading Women’s poetry as Resistance,” by Nabina Das on 17th September, Program coordinator, Dr JhilamChattaraj.
- The Department of English organized an Orientation Program for the BA ELL students of all the three years. The students were familiarized with the details of the course, attendance, and evaluative patterns. The program began with a speech by the Head, Ms M. SuchitraReddy followed by an introduction to all the teachers of the department. Ms HoorBano, BA III year, Ms Mounika BA II Year and Ms Bahkti BA II year shared their experiences in the college with the first years. 9/7/18.
- The Department organized a field trip for students of Skill Enhancement Course to GVK One Mall to learn about the culture of Shopping. 4/8/18.
Students interview Store Manager at GVK
- Dr JhilamChattaraj was invited as the judge of a drama festival at Chirec International School, Hyderabad, 17/8/18
- Quills Literary Club Member, AsfiyaKhannam, BTCFS II year participated in “Poetry Slam” conducted by the US Consulate, Hyderabad 25/8/18.
- Ms Mercy Sheba Rani, and Dr JhilamChattaraj were appointed as Guest lecturers on “Communications Skills” at RBVRR Pharmacy College, Hyderabad, September-December 2018.
- Dr JhilamChattaraj was invited as the Chief Guest of “Lumiere: A Literary Fest”, Loyola Academy, Hyderabad. She delivered the Guest Lecture on the topic, “For the Love of Poetry” 6/9/18.
- Quills Literary Club Member, Deeksha Reddy, BSC III (Food and Nutrition) attended the Poetry Reading Session, “Dystopia and Poetry”, ITC Kakatiya, Hyderabad, 1/9/18.
- “My Inspiration”: A Meeting of The Quills Literary Club. 18/9/18
- Ms Y. Jayanti attended Faculty Development Programme on Remedial Teaching Strategies and Tools for English Language Teachers at Malla Reddy College of Engineering and Technology. 22/9/18.
- The Department of English organized a Guest Lecture by Dr Swaralipi Nandi, Head, Department of Psychology, Journalism and Literature, Loyola Academy, Hyderabad on “Think on your feet: Learning problem solving techniques from literature”. 25/9/18
Dr Swaralip Nandi delivering the Guest Lecture
- Ms Y. Jayanti attended Faculty Development Programme on Remedial Teaching Strategies and Tools for English Language Teachers at Malla Reddy College of Engineering and Technology. 22/9/18.
- Dr JhilamChattaraj participated in the Poetry Reading Session “Au Rythmes Des Relations”, Alliance Francaise, Hyderabad 28/9/18
- Ms Y. Jayanthi attended National Level Conference and received the Best presenter award at OUCIIP, for her paper, “Periodical Changes in Themes of Literature”. 6/10/18
Jayanti presenting paper
- Ms Y. Jayanthi attended National Level Conference and received the Best presenter award at OUCIIP, for her paper, “Periodical Changes in Themes of Literature”. October 2018.
- Dr JhilamChattaraj participated in the Poetry Reading session “Tradition and Individual Talent”, British Council Library, Hyderabad, 1/12/18.
- Ms Y. Jayanthi attended in a One day National Workshop on Smart Problems: Teachers Perspectives on Changing Student Perceptions, CBIT, 15/12/18.
- The Department of English celebrated the third anniversary of the Quills Literary Club on 18/12/18. Students organized a poetry reading session and faculty members conducted several other competitions.
Students Perform their Poetry
- Quills Literary Club nominated as one of the Best Reading Clubs in India by India Reading Olympiad, December, 2018 at Hyderabad Literary Festival 2019.
Students Volunteers display the IRO Magazine
- Dr JhilamChattarajwas invited as a Delegate at Ethos Literary Festival, Kolkata, December 22-23, 2018.
- Ms K. Anupama and DrBhagavati attended workshop on Faculty Development program on “Teacher mentorship towards students skill development” organized by Department of English, Aurora’s Degree and PG College , 9/1/19.
- Dr SumitraJaiswal presented the paper, “Character Building through Literature: a case study through two poems, W.B Yeats’s “A Prayer for my Daughter” and Robert Browning “My last Duchess” in One day national conference on The Role of Language and Literature in the Reformation of Contemporary Society, 19/1/19
- Dr JhilamChattaraj invited as Delegate at The Hyderabad Literary Festival, 2019.
- Dr JhilamChattaraj invited as Delegate at The Durbar: A One Day poetry Festival, 23.2.19. Hyderabad.
- Ms M. Suchitra attended Two day national conference on Two day conference was conducted by Telangana State Council of Collegiate and Technical, Education, Board of Intermediate Education in Association with EletsTechnomedia Private Limited On “Higher Education and Human Resource. Conclave” on February 4 th and 5 th , 2019 in Hyderabad.
- Dr Jhilam invited as Chief Guest at Lit fest at St Pious College, 6.3.19.
- Book Donation Camp organised in Collaboration with India Reading Olympiad, March 2019.
Poster of Book Donation Campaign Students donate books
- Dr SumitraJaiswal qualified the TS-SET Examination, English, June 11, 2017.
- Ms Grace Sudhir, was awarded the Mother Teresa Memorial Award by Telangana Citizen’s Council on 26 August 2023 for her contribution to Women’s Education.
- Ms HoorBanu, BA II year won special prize in “Paper Reading Contest” at Osmania University, 19 August 2023 for her paper entitled, “ Of Studies: Reading the Contemporary Relevance of Francis Bacon”. Ms SameeraBanu, III year was awarded the participation certificate for her paper on “The Poet’s Muse: Reading Andrew Marvell’s The Garden”.
- Faculty Members, Dr SumitraJaiswal and Dr JhilamChattaraj attended workshop on “Design Thinking” and “ Teaching methods in Business English ” organized by TASK, Hyderabad, 19-20 August 2017.
- Dr JhilamChattaraj presented paper at National Seminar on “Soft Skills Through Literature” at Andhra MahilaSabha College, Osmania University. 28 October 2017.
- Dr JhilamChattaraj presented her poetry at the Inaugural of Telangana Artists Association, 1st November 2017.
- Members of the Quills Literary Club, G.R Srinidhi B.Com III A, JuveriaTabassum II C and N.SaiHariPriya BBMT III and their mentor, Dr JhilamChattaraj won the first prize in the competition, ‘Performing Texts: A Two Day Innovative Programme’ organized by the Department of English, Osmania University and UGC XII Plan General Development Assistance Scheme, 28-29th September, 2016.
- Faculty members of the Department attended the Book Launch of The Crescent Moon and The Gardener written by popular lyricist and poet Gulzar, organized by international publication house, Harper Collins at Taj Krishna, Hyderabad. 8.7.2016.
- Faculty Members of the Department of English, Dr JhilamChattaraj, Ms Pushpa Reddy, MsD.Pankaja attended the Book Launch of AishwaryaRajnikanthDhanush’sStanding on an Apple Box on 19.12.16 by Harper Collins, Taj Krishna, Hyderabad.
- Faculty Members of the Department of English, Dr SumitraJaiswal, Dr JhilamChattaraj, Ms D. Pankaja attended National Seminar on “Themes and Narratives on Post-War American Fiction”. Osmania University Center for International Programmes, Osmania University, Hyderabad. 27-28th December, 2016.
- Ms JhilamChattaraj was awarded PhD Degree in English by University of Hyderabad, Hyderabad for her doctoral dissertation on “Corporate Chronicles: Reading Contemporary Corporate Fiction in English in India”. 2.10.2016.
- CBT (Computer Based Teaching and Testing) was Conducted for 1400 students of B.A, B.Com, B.SC, BBMT, BBA & BBM of I & II years by Computer Programmer Ms. K. Ashwini. It is an innovative practice introduced by the Department of English using Audio and Video Clips under continuous evaluation from the Academic year 2015-16 & 2016-17 with the aim to equip the students to face TOEFL, GRE and any other online competitive exam.
- The Department of English conducted a Three Day Workshop on “Performing Arts” in the College from 13 to 15 December 2023 to celebrate the first anniversary of the establishment of the Quills Literary club. Eminent actor and Co-founder of “Samahaara”, a Hyderabad based Theater Group, Mr.RathnaShekar Reddy was the Resource person for the workshop that was attended by 30 students from the Quills Club. The final day function was witnessed by all the students of B.A, B. Sc& BBM, BBA. A Short play on William Shakespeare’s Sonnet No. 116 was presented by students.
Actor RathnaShekar Reddy addresses Students
- Members of the Quills Literary Club, G.R Srinidhi B.Com III A, JuveriaTabassum II C and N.SaiHariPriya BBMT III won second place at St Francis College Fest “Arthashastra”, January, 2017 for “Acting”.
- Students of Quills Literary Club, G.R. Srinidhi B.Com IIIA, JhanviB.Sc IIIF, Haripriya BBMT II and JuveriaTabassum B.Com IIIC won the first, second and third prize at ‘Potter Mania’, a Quiz competition organised by Hyderabad Literary Festival, January 2017.
- Students of Quills Literary club, SupriyaKiran, Vijaya Lakshmi, RuhinaBanu, Kavya, P. Navya and K. Navya were selected as volunteers for Hyderabad Literary Festival, January, 2017.
Students act as Volunteers at HFL, 2016
- The Department organized the Inauguration and Orientation Program for Computer Based Teaching and Testing in English Language on 26/08/2015. Chief Guest: Prof. T. Vijay Kumar, Professor and Head of Department of English, Osmania University, Guest of Honour: Prof. C. Muralikrishna, Head and Professor, Dept. of English, Nizam College
Former Faculty Member, Grace Sudhir addressed the gathering
- The Department Inaugurated the Quills Literary Club on 15/12/15.
Dr M. Surekha Reddy, Prof. Tutun Mukherjee and Ms GarceSudhir with the logo of Quills Club
- The Department conducted a Workshop on Flash fiction on 15.12.15 at 1.30 p.m in the AV Room, RBVRR Women’s College. Resource Person: Dr JhilamChattaraj, Assistant professor, RBVRR Women’s College, Hyderabad.
- The Department launched their blog, “Quills: the World of Words”, Official Blog of the Quills Literary Club on 15.12.15.
- Ms Grace Sudhir and M. Suchitra participated in the Two- Day Workshop on “CBCS: Quality Sustenance and Standardization of Examinations” organized by University College for Women, Koti, Hyderabad. 31.3.2016-1.4.2016.
Ms Suchitra Reddy, Ms Grace Sudhir with Prof. Tutun Mukherjee
- The Department of English & IQAC organized a Workshop on “Communication for Professionalism” on 5/11/2023 at 2.00 the Seminar hall, R.B.V.R.R. Women’s College. Resource Person - Prof. S. Mohanraj, Dept. of Training and Development, EFLU Hyderabad.
- The Department organized an Extension Lecture on “The Craft of Poetry” on 27/01/2015 at 2.00 p.m. in the College Auditorium, R.B.V.R.R. Women’s College. Resource person-Ms. Mani Rao, Author, Poet and Translator.
Poet Mani Rao addresses the Gathering
- The Department organized a Workshop for Staff on Computer Based Testing (CBT) on 30/03/2023 at 10.00 a.m. in the P.G. Computer Centre, R.B.V.R.R. Women’s College. Resource person: Ms.Gopika U.K., Director, Ostrya Labs, Hyderabad.
Students Practice CBTT at English Language Laboratory