
Library Possess
Books: 41,471
Journals: 21
Magazines: 19
News papers: 8

Facilities Available
* Document delivery service (Reprography facility)
* Separate Reference Section.

Library Rules:
* Each under graduate student is provided with 3 cards. The student can borrow 1 book on each card for two weeks.
* Renewal of books will be done if there is no demand for the book.
* Overdue charges(fine) 25 paise per book per day will be collected from the students.

* Computerization of the college library is in progress. The college has acquired SOUL Software from inflibnet I.U.C of University Grants Commission, Ahmedabad. The Data Entry of books & bar coding is in progress.


1. Women's Era
2. Femina
3. New Women
4. Savy
5. Health
6. Reader's Digest
7. Competition Success
8. The Master
9. Competition Success G.K.
10. India Today(English)
11. The Week
12. Sports Star
13. Employment News
14. Science Reporter
15. Swathi(Monthly)
16. Swathi(Weekly)
17. Andhra Prabha
18. Meri Saheli
19. India Today(Telugu)


1. Deccan Chronicle
2. The Times Of India
3. News Time
4. The Hindu
5. Eenadu
6. Vartha
7. Andhra Prabha
8. Andhra Jyothi